© Sue Hasker (Creative Commons)
- App must be fast : should start quickly and should not lag.
- App must be polished : it should look very professional, beautiful, or both.
- App must be intuitive : most if not all should learn to use the app in two minutes.
- App must be simple not complex : remove unnecessary features, merge the rest, use progressive disclosure.
- App must offer free or lite version if is not free: people should know what the get for the money.
- App must not crash : should handle with grace all kinds of expected and unexpected events.
- App must not waste device resources : respect the fact that memory, network speed and battery juice are finite.
- App must not trick : people, especially kids should not be tricked to purchase things.
- App must not use user information without approval: private things like location, contacts, history, purchases.
- App must be launched when the time is right : the app must under no circumstances be launched in total anonymity, enough people should know and care about it.
So what is a app that matters in my opinion? It is an app that respects all the above ten commandments. That's all.
It is not required to be downloaded by thousands, it is not required to gross in millions or be the latest meme on the net.
But it must be great and people should know about it.
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